
  • Хидирова Гулнора Author


corpus linguistics, text, style, parallel, structure, comparative, language teaching, translation studies, machine translation, dictionaries, process of automatic text normalization, semantics, statistical technologies.


The article discusses the purpose and functions of the parallel corpus. A corpus is understood as a collection of oral and written texts stored in a computer database; the corpus also provides a detailed description of the exact time of writing of the collected materials and the style of the texts. Modern methodological literature actively uses examples and descriptions from parallel corpora when teaching a language; increasingly, the corpus is used to analyze and identify the shortcomings of existing textbooks in teaching foreign languages. The corpus can determine the range of words, the denotative and connotative meanings of the searched word, and describes the frequency or statistics of the use of a particular word in the writer’s language. The parallel corpus is described as a new type of linguistic resource. Parallel corpora serve as training data for statistical machine translation systems. The parallel corpus contains the texts of the original and its translations. From the point of view of translation studies, an important task of a parallel corpus is the detection of translation changes. The main goal of creating a parallel corpus is to develop effective and adequate translation methods. By using a parallel corpus, translation quality is improved.


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How to Cite

ЛИНГВОМЕТОДИЧЕСКИЙ ПОТЕНЦИАЛ ПАРАЛЛЕЛЬНОГО КОРПУСА. (2024). «CONTEMPORARY TECHNOLOGIES OF COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS», 2(22.04), 101-117. https://myscience.uz/index.php/linguistics/article/view/29

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